Welcome to FCBA
Facilisi commodo ac consequat erat risus duis velit quis velit fermentum feugiat sit bibendum pellentesque semper maecenas posuere cursus gravida.
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Latest News
Dolor ultrices facilisis odio donec massa amet mattis nunc scelerisque nunc tincidunt vitae nunc amet placerat.


2025 Lunar New Year Parade
Read More >>第十屆紐約法拉盛華商會「幸福媽媽」活動開啟報名
Read More >>數萬民眾同慶豬年農曆新春 紐約法拉盛花車遊行熱鬧開鑼
Vulputate hendrerit libero augue etiam
Molestie risus, tempor duis tempus diam ornare mauris ac odio bibendum lectus blandit senectus odio nisl.

Justo sem condimentum ante aliquam
Mattis adipiscing etiam ac feugiat sed consequat a donec ultrices euismod elit mauris risus diam morbi.

Nibh tristique duis cras et
Quisque eleifend at sed in arcu sit eu, facilisi orci sapien, sed placerat cursus blandit amet neque, turpis ipsum dolor ultricies eget dolor enim.

About FCBA
法拉盛華人(工商)促進會,簡稱華商會,是一個在紐約州立案之非政治、非宗教、非營利團體。我們的章程是非營體(A Not-For-Profit Corporation)50l(c)(3)免稅社團,其一切活動均符合華商會會章及紐約州法規。理事長、總幹事或任何理事所採取措施均須經理事會通過,同時須經過會員大會投票通過。
自一九八二年創會以來,由於所有的理事與理事長的共同努力耕耘, 服務社區。華商會已受到各級政府機關,其他各界人士的認可與尊敬。
The Flushing Chinese Business Association, a.k.a. FCBA, is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit organization incorporated in the state of New York, our bylaws showing FCBA is a not-for-profit corporation follow by 501(c)(3) rules and regulations. All of its activities are carried out in compliance with the bylaws of the land. All actions taken by its President , Executive Director, and Board members are subject to the approval of its Board and the scrutiny of its membership.
Since its formation in 1982, FCBA has actively and successfully carried out the purposed for which it was formed. The success stems from the support of its membership as well as the efforts and dedication of all current and former members of its Board of Directors and advisers. Its accomplishments have been widely recognized.
“Dolor fermentum amet tortor cursus duis imperdiet amet, velit, amet, amet sit tincidunt morbi tristique phasellus nec pretium leo nulla cursus lectus.”
Child Care Topics
Imperdiet tempor purus, maecenas pretium et dolor turpis arcu nec orci arcu lacus dictum nunc, ridiculus a vestibulum sapien erat nulla ipsum magna odio.
- Vestibulum donec euismod tempor ultrices
- Egestas lectus amet ut elementum
- Ut rutrum eleifend turpis vel
- Aliquam massa tincidunt cras donec

Peter's Column

“When I was young, I often liked to go to the East Village to dine & enjoy the atmosphere. It’s sad to hear that their economy is collapsing now. Nearly 20% of storefronts are vacant due to the shutdown caused by the epidemic and rising advertising/rental costs.”

“On the 12th, 89 more immigrants arrived in NYC by bus from Texas. It’s concerning because some were seriously ill and needed to be hospitalized, & some were diagnosed with COVID-19. We hope this wasn’t done on purpose – otherwise it would be incredibly immoral.”

“The CDC has greatly relaxed epidemic prevention guidelines, and there is no need to maintain 6 feet of social distance. AFT welcomes campuses returning to normal so teachers can better care for students. We recommend that people with symptoms must be tested.”
